Landing kids sports classes camps clinics (2024)

    Landing Sports Camps & Classes


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    Spring, Summer, Fall, & Winter Sports Classes inLanding, NJ.

    Looking for sports classes or clinics throughout the year in Landing, NJ? We offer programs for children aged 18 months to 2 years, 3-5 years, 5-7 years, 8-11 years, and 11-14 years in all seasons—Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. Our year-round classes run for six to eight weeks, providing expert instruction and continuous skill development.

    Our Landing classes are led by experienced coaches who create a fun and educational environment, helping kids to improve their skills, make new friends, and develop a love for sports.

    LandingSummer Sports Camps

    Are you looking for an exciting summer sports camp experience for your child? Our Landing summer sports camps offer a fantastic opportunity for kids aged 5-7, 8-11, and 12-14 to engage in their favorite sports. Choose from soccer, tennis, lacrosse, basketball, golf, or our popular multi-sports camp, where children can enjoy a variety of sports in a single action-packed week. All camps, clinics, and classes are tailored to be age-appropriate and cater to all skill levels.

    Camps and Classes Options in Landing, NJ.

    In and around Landing, we offer a wide range of sports programs including soccer, multi-sports, tennis, basketball, pickleball, lacrosse, golf, T-ball, flag football, track & field, and more. With new programs being added regularly, there’s always something new and exciting for your child.

    For more details on upcoming sports classes and camps in NJ, select a county from the list above. Whether you’re looking for summer fun or year-round athletic development, we invite you to join us in fostering your child’s passion for sports and fitness. Let’s work together to inspire a lifelong love for athletics in your child’s journey.

    Landing kids sports classes camps clinics (3)

    Types of Camps & Classes in Landing

    Choose from a wide selection of camps, classes, and lessons, offered year-round for all ages and abilities.

    Weekly Classes
    Catering to all ages and abilities, our weekly classes are offered in over 10 sports, across 8 skill levels. Whether you're a toddler or an adult, there's something for you!

    Sports Camps
    From engaging scrimmages to exhilarating tournaments, players aged 3 to 18 immerse themselves in a vibrant atmosphere filled with excitement and fun challenges!

    Preschool Sports
    Structured activities and games, promoting skill development and fun for young athletes aged 1.5 to 8 years.

    • Parent & Me (age 1.5-3)
    • Soccer Squirts (age 3-5)
    • Senior Squirts (age 5-8)

    Private & Group Lessons
    Customized instruction and training programs tailored to your child or group for accelerated learning and skill development.

    Year-Round Sports Options

    Sports Camps and Classes are offered to kids aged 1.5 to 18 on a year-round basis. See below for our various seasonal options:

    Spring Sports

    • Weekly Sports Classes
    • Spring Break Sports Camps

    Summer Sports

    • Weekly Sports Classes
    • Week-long Summer Sports Camps

    Fall Sports

    • Weekly Sports Classes
    • School's Out Sports Camps

    Winter Indoor Sports

    • Weekly Sports Classes
    • School's Out Sports Camps

    Upcoming Camps & Classes in Landing

    To view more programs, or programs currently in Landing, NJ use the program search at the top of this page.

    TENNIS - Orange Ball | Foundation

    • Budd Lake, NJ (Ages 8 to 11)
    • From: Sun, Nov 17 | To: Sun, Dec 15
    • From: 9:30 AM | To: 10:20 AM

    TENNIS - Orange Ball | Development

    • Budd Lake, NJ (Ages 8 to 11)
    • From: Sun, Nov 17 | To: Sun, Dec 15
    • From: 10:30 AM | To: 11:20 AM

    TENNIS - Red Ball | Foundation

    • Budd Lake, NJ (Ages 5 to 8)
    • From: Sun, Nov 17 | To: Sun, Dec 15
    • From: 11:30 AM | To: 12:20 PM

    TENNIS - Yellow Ball | Development

    • Budd Lake, NJ (Ages 11 to 14.5)
    • From: Sun, Nov 17 | To: Sun, Dec 15
    • From: 12:30 PM | To: 1:20 PM

    <% } %>

    Landing kids sports classes camps clinics (4)

    <%= sku %>

    <%= capSport %> | Ages: <%= ageFrom %>-<%= ageTo %><%if (gender.toLowerCase() !== 'coed') {%> | <%= gender %><%}if (indoorProg == 1) {%> | Indoor Program<%}%>

    <%= city %>, <%= state %> <%= zip %>
    <%= distance %> Miles | <%= session_type %> | <%if (isInternalProgram) {%>USG<%} else {%> PP<%}%> <%= verticalbar %> <%= canreg %>

    <%= startDate %> - <%= endDate %>
    <%= startTime %> - <%= endTime %>

    <%if (isProrate) {%>Program in session
    Discounted fee
    <%} else if (!productReferred || (productReferred && price != 0)) {%>Current Fee: $<%= price %><%}%>
    <%if (showLateFee) {%>
    After <%if (lateDate == '' || lateDate == '0000-00-00') {%>September 10th<%} else {%><%= displayLateDate %><%}%>: $<%= lateFee %><%}%>

    <%let alerts = [];if (soldOut == 1) {alerts.push('This Program is Sold Out');}if (v >= 1 && programAlert) {alerts.push(programAlert);}for (const alert of alerts) {%>

    <%= alert %>


    Landing kids sports classes camps clinics (2024)


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    Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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    Views: 5669

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    Author information

    Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

    Birthday: 1993-03-26

    Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

    Phone: +5938540192553

    Job: Administration Developer

    Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

    Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.