Memphis Daily Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)

"-T2 i ft -if nmi THE MEMPHIS- -B-BIT APPB A.LV- JTOTE 28, 1874.. Si JELHSEKOE. In Leave TfcU Dir. frr or s-m vlns To-Morrotrt Ilue tit-this--I Spjn 5 pan .5 pan iu.x;r kj-st-. li.i.

arrlvcC nocn I'mci nail New Orleans New Orleans K-ibiirg i. river Ai aansa river While river river In Port. SO. C-ccfc. Blverannd.Bntfnfa.

I was very warm, out oc hre was a refreshing breese. faX-g faur inches every w3 good boatiag luro ana Louis, me Pes to withscarce- OG2-ba I on Shawnee- r.v is reeeUIng, -Xk 2. ksonport out. Irk tier; is our feet out. the wLarf yesterday was Stage of River.

zs tsu- Ssr. TJ. sAl Changes. nSe. i Fall.

Ft. lln. 'Ft. In li lUATk of 171. s.

V. RHODE. Observer, floirraenu or Bent. Tower, iro-St: Louis, 1 loilowing for Vm etty: 1545 inoo sacks grain, 3S casks 2 roils bagging and 276 keg3 before dark with 300 li n. The City of Alton, from nearly a week out, passed 3 with 2000 sacks salt and S50 sugar The Shannon and 1.

wealth, both for Orleans, iniih in the forenoon deeply laden, larie Iiouiee, for Cincinnati, had i ol 'ron and cabin full of peo- 14 goea on the docks on aer ar- iie last named port ine i-atni- led lor sutrancis oeiore oay- fitJiatowot barges, xne -amea kr. for Cincinnati, cleared at ih 125 bales cotton, lot iniscella- and a eooa passencer trip. te. trenevieve, from St. dii- dry barrels, wi ssces oats, Li corn.

300 rails baeeintr. added arid departed for below at dark a 4' "ton cargo. Leaving-To-Day. 0 of Helena, Captain JleKee, 3 a. ten o'clock this morning fur an ft.

Jjouis. j. ueorge u. is chief purser. Itoals Leaving To-JIorrotr.

Beie Memphw, Captain s.t nv? does lor at. 4 and all the Usual way landings. Blanker is chief purser. le Frank Forrest. O.

K. Joplln mas- and J. W.Bhodeg, clerk, backs out tualp five o'c'ock for Osceola and all busStl cast landings. iii IPliI Allin, with Commodore iitjee on the joof sjipe her cable at Vt'cloi for Friars Point and all Way 'aajigs this side. Messrs.

Stack Ie, Fieiand Chamberlain are secretaries. lriru C'ain B.b Wife's famous steamer -aft Cincinr.aU yesterday with a c. parted Car ain Wise receivea a 'talimm trmtirtrr, 'adjsme gracdnutiier's cap, made of frielMw iAmm li Tis.auatl, liad left for no rre- ac aon speech was made. Hegler, of the steamer Kittie Hegler, was in the city yester lay contracting s.j Captain Pwt-l to launch his boat New (-leans I I'Sxw vn Chtirchdi's sand-bar, below Llt- li K. AZipuun I'oetal a.sBs lidDEnhniolIars for hi.

work, and r-arauteeSSWhave: the Hegler afloat .1 luree wee-s. M'InTyre, i ICittie Hegler, left on the James TV Parker ye-terduy for Cincinnati. TL.s is the third time he has assayed to r--'h me, and niayh get there-, 'I -c Shreveport and New Orleans stern-v, m'-ket Maria Louise arrived here and departed for Cincinnati 'js repaired. She is a large boat, and n. guar.

a on the en last hterd from, Billy Locke was un the suburbs of Cincinnati. He was ic company with a man named JI iter, social inspector of CIncin- i a 1 as Prof. Swivel, ot the 3. Jlande, can testify An An Dr Hue steamer wnr leave nere on an top for St Louis at seven Inrtlnfeto ar-1 ock next nr at the above city to witness the of the great bridge July Yt-ier-sy paptain Bob Wise vii-xl the fcteamera Legal Tender, i. r- City and ty of Augusta, Uti ancd with an Interlocutory -ee cf the htu-ery c.urt in the case tiie sjite itjVs Liliot Brothers, bocds- I x-T-t-C an tea to ci U18 steamers iij oeween tuat jW" tcu- a T.i rh- nrotnli.

i-iar 11, the boats unlcjyroduceJ from the sheriff of Siielfaiioun- 1 1 111 1 ii 111 11 11 1 1 1 1 in pa 1 11 in 1 1 1 1 last ppr- middaDg uplands, with considerable il.jjihe KitUe Heglert freight, Tlds new phase or the mar-- rrlithere by the Fort Gibson, was 6etwasie result ofthe opinion in the rppedyMterday on the James D. i tra3e that tbe new hm was eomethlng Ier-. aeger, from St iQ expansion measure, and this was v. on weal Ui landed here rday to purchase thirty-nve dollar-w a ice, and had to pay two dottars ncjust wharfage is ti. tc tal to the -hipping interests of Memphis, and isn wiiicii the business ruenoi have abollf'ed.

If there opptbpot jout the wfiarfag'- Uiat keeps themay-tr 'rom sigcfiBg te rhould inform tne nnal at once, aad I Luve a proietordi-r an 0 pasid, bjfwhn relieve Jner-t ajs and 1IP5I-E. The t-t Louti J)Ot' x.t June With, oood stage of wa'cr yet from St. Pitil to New OrleaMAu. low water is ixoecd eoon in and utriou-ljf tnterru: i "-a-uoic, auu xacay at various ilJMOI 1 at Great yes 's iticumonfl i one iirard. Lubrers wages Wlt- thea nt ihefr detime, dd- he men aSri uly t-ou dj i fatally.

Tue inn 11i i succeeded in nd driving the Ivtlnr' in a io numerous the, police in la uurversr-, andXondonaa veil as our own commercial centers feels the effects. Exchange at our banks was in a little better supply yesieruay two oaum were currency. Buying on New York and Boston at par; selling at 1 premium; buying on New Orleans at discount Gold vmi very quiet' at llOlQllOJ. Stocks and bonds very quiet l)Ut some movement in local securities was talked of, and if accom plished will be of Interest. Nothing if cnarieston rauroau siocx; on the market appear to totofl" by the active in-Stgfajeeks.

The sale of iTnriirf-ji ndWhiirrrtTtrrr day is the E3tMlimiflPN Any talk of injuncnasm nronounctid out of the'ciueSr fng no grounds in the case. TugJJfcjta York Jiullettn says: "Every on relieved now that Conirreas the treasury of the powerto "wgtilate" the legal-tender circulation, and that there will be greater confidence, and accompanying it more dispostion to engage capital in legitimate there Is no doubt. With good crops it is hazaidlug nothing to predict that tlii-? fall we have oue of the largest and most satisfactory seasons of trade kuwn toe country." Memphis Bt see, one conpoalS Nlcolou Farement scrl ou ravemeni script. Hhelby coantr scrtnt CUarleelou railroad fctocks. Teoiiese ddtt in tAnuplrpller rarrasu Satukd AT is usually the worst cotton day of the week, but yesterday the sales were better man onjbriaay.

une inquiry was not active; a buyer or two nau orders for low middlimr. which were filled. and little '(fas done outside of them. The taezrams showed no chamreu of "price. but New York was as mournful as the last sigh of the autumn breeze large of- lenngs, sptaii uemanu, anu unsettieu prices made up cheering list to conclude the -week with.

The principal kinds sold were a lot of strict middling at 14Jc, and several lots of low middling from "fcirely" to "fully" at ICc, lCJc, and 16c. New York telegraphed unset tled, very little Uemanu, ouenngs large, at 171c: New Orleans quiet at 17ic; Liv erpool dull, with sales of 8000 bales at sjur tjavannan iojc; mouue iojc; Charleston lujc; uaiveston lie. "minniT ood Onlinury. Low llfcWllng 15-QI6 Sitrlct Uldd.anc- -t7k174 Market quiet and unchanged; sales, 409 bales; receipts at the seaports, one dav. 1039 bales: last week, same time, 24G7 bales; last year, same time, 19S5 bales.

COTTON STATEMENT. 1874. 1K8. 1S72. BecatnU to-dar 241 Itecelpts TS 93 Snco Batmday -1 Same time -week before.

I9S 427 15S Recta alnoi Sept. bhlpmentx to-day. River, e8S; Total shli men ta 1J12 SS7.9SS VISIBLE BUri'LY. Thfl fnllnvin? Is Uia vifilble EllDDlr Of cotton. els reported by the New York.

Chronicle of Jcne aetb: Llverrxxjl 1 baled JWJX0 Total stock. Rotterdam Antwenrs! Other contl nental ports, Total conUnental etocka. 45V) Total oro))ean India cottoa afleot for Enrope 663,000 American Uo for nrope Egrpt, llraifil, VulieO Hlales aQoat for tnrope. 41.01B one United tales Interior towns UniLetl males exports la wtet T.tal Visible snpply Liverpool stock American Oonlintntal Rtoclr-AmeclfAn Sxo it (wxw 1 nrao jorX afloat for Europe- Liverpool flock India, Brazil, etc London toek India, lirazll, etc. Continental stock India, lirazll, etc- Ind.a afloat for Knrpe lETPt, Braill, etc, afloat for Enrope 496 000 MIH0 1F4M0 Tola! East India Total Total visible snpplr- The New Y'ork 'Bulletin the following in its weekly review of the cotton marKet: mucn tne same stale of trade in cotton on the spot that has leen noticeable for weeks past has Biistod during the past week.

Spinners have, on the whole.madepurchases 01 lair magnitude, uut mis nas oniy oeen stimulated by a decline of another quar ter of a cent. This decline, the result of a slow sale and art ample itocK aonut double that on hand last year improved business for consumption, while it failed to Htart op trade for export The statements current a while ago, that fconsidratle of tie-stock was being held ito cover co-tracts, does not seem to Wn Surinir the -weeir have reckoned the doneiderably larcer quantity than last year available as one of the most prominent oauiiea of the depression, in connection, the slowness of the dis- tnt U' unili a concession was uiauu nslut spinning purposes was ex- ices a state of trade which t0 fair acUvlty when TirlM. Thl was TT" rri, tender circulation at the effect of stirrinc tin Monday of thia week, and of giving a more animated Apearance to uers toaon tiie suKditting'! tciff 0 decline ol about lc during tne last lour wcek then malntained the late figures' flir nmi for thof means Ol stimuiung, to an extent, ine traae ior export, inmuer me en-couragin; turn of affairs "ite that much needed stability and natural warrant-steady demand, remains to lie seen. Prices are considerably under this time last year, -when Uie figures -were 2021c for, low Middling and middling uplands. This is.

evidence that the natural course of eventi), under the circumstances, has taken place. Holders have not held up prices unreasonably, but the usual effect of a larger supply has been seen in the lower prices, which is the best proof that the market is not on a false basis, and If trie opinion is held in the trade that prices, so far as the American position is concerned, are too low, it cannot excite much surprise, but rather meet with coDCunence. But the black spots in the -latLstlcal position and general appeamuce are India andLlverpool, the former part of the globe being notably enereetii: in pilicc the cotton on to both the United Kingdom and thecontinent Eiftli 1X e-late decline In prices. Liv- UifiiS 57SJ3S If. SKI 1 5(1 A.4IA 1G tti Kl 7 233 135 361 1,091,230 TTom MartlllMI Barcelona J500 llmbnrK 24,000 Brsmen 414W Amsterdam jRiWl e1 SBWXt "ikwoi 4WU0J 1 of errool shown no disposition to pur-i he hus? Hire at the flenres.

Their quota- tlons ftr future delivery at southern a decline. Whether the im-idy of provemimt in the export demandhete tioea me opening 01 tue wee, win cjntinras, this week -will show. We leave the market firmly sustained." Tllil GENERAL MARKET W-S a liiUe more animated yesterday, ovSne to the arrival of a boat from I'nlrfiv. bdt Uib amount of tirodnce It broucht "was very light and most of that or dealsrs. Com was in only moderate iTriYal: the -principal lot belonged to a dfeaicr.

who held Jt on orders at 80c; a Jot of b(l sacks yellow sold at 79c. OaU vt. (liirn ta nnrtA In firsr Viand. Jlara is in small supply, and very little xioingat our quotations. Cornmeal was -weak, iflth sales at S3 C03 05.

Flour is ill thli same changeless, quiet condition; Vile St Louis Democrat. June 26. 'There was no change in the flour tue jeeuug uuuuuuea tcijr uuu nd xtai for medium and choice ta tin nm-nrl triT 1 I nnltt -ltntrk In llrvi fccf wi.y, at an easy range of prices." paper -corn was uuu prices were, weak on white Ite mixed, and a shade lower on Potatoes are still wanted for shlipers oiler 5, ana lor ou(gd me oarrei -ue3- Allbbouri grown, were ff'were even lower fi. wcnenz went on ndoldbrlugashlgh nd ouerhogpro- ea. -ine t.

H--IL. It----H--I lias tho I HHBinintry, $3 24. -). quote SGV7 1 IHHH- wagoua. nary.

Re crop. Sid. "-r tmlW-J'" i WBBmnmti 756 25r r.rtniar VLiU and V.lavia WnvV-m' lponnlintto -mi Coal Oirr-Per eallon in stord, at ICg) uv, tpeciai rates lerTsar-ioaa iota. 1 r- at 13 CO. COXTOK YAENS No.

CDQ, 13(313J No. 500, 15(51161: No. 400. lTaiticT Corn Very littl6 oa the market; sale 01 ou sacKs yeitow at ac; aw sacas ten ing on orders at SOe; Whita i wanted out tnero none on the market. Cotton seed meal Per ton, S18.

J-oas-Dull at ll(S12e. Flque Quiet at 55 50, In -tore low grauee urtiier. Per barrel. S5(a5 GR0CERIX3 Sugar and grauulatcd, per in barrels, 11J sou nuueu yetiow sua wiute, ic; urown ana yellow, c. ji classes jltOulsi g.b0c; sugarhous' domestic, by tu car-lcaTtgJWCfcTS per S0-i barrel, t.Toe.

ijcWaS common to oliolce. 22 Ic, Caudles star, per 1GV17C tjc Starch. 5Jc. Soda, 7(5c barrel, ou. Hay NolLiug doing: prairie, S1P.

13; good mixed, $. cnoice, liEMONs 1'er box, aw. Laud In tierce, in kegs, 12rc: nails. l.Tc: in cases, 1415c. Oats Notliiug doing; 5Sc for mixed.

Onions Missouri grown, $4 50. Oranges Per box, Pkanuts Rr-ttta: white, 9ai0c Peach 1 First reeeived, selling atS- per box 01 one pecs. Potatois Wanted for shipping nt 5 per barrel measurej few ollenng. Tomatoes. Irtxt.

rjonisiajia tomatoes' 3 50 pel husuel bojt; cfioumber, 30a, and squabhes Sg30p per (Ioze'fi; snap ueaus, pur uresu coin( uc pel uoz. Pork Mess, $1019 35, HONEY MAKiurrs. PAItlS, uqe 27. Ren tee, 50f 45c. FRANKFORT, June 5-20a NEW ORLEANS, June 27-GoId, 1115.

Sight, sterling, -44. LONDON, Jane 27. The-rate of discount In the open market for three mouuis' unia waicnii oeiuvv me bank rate. The amount oMiiilliou withdrawn from the bank on balance to-day la Consols for money, 03J 83: United States 6.20s of 1SG5. 107f: do.

'67, 108; 105; new ffves; luii; Mew iorK central, yu; rie. 2m 00, .1 1 NEW YORK, June 27. Money closed at 'Xgi per cent, on can. foreign change clown! dull and firm ar4S74(4 for bank ra' sixty days-. Ste line 490ft's 4905 for demand.

"I'rhne mercantife pa per cent, uoiu closed at 111, only rates of the day. Rates paid lor borrowing wero per cent. to Hat, anu lor carrying irr: per cent. Clearing, The assistant- treasurer disbursed and -re ceived for customs during the week. Imports for the same time were: dry goods, general merchan; dise, $5,213,874.

GOTeTrrmennr strong and steady, with very little doing. United States coupms of 1SS1, l-Oj; do. 01 ib, lit; uo. ol.lbSl, 1171; do. oribbo, lis; do.

01 new, 1201: do. of 1S67, 1201: do. of 1SGS. new fives, 114; 10-iOs, 1141 Currency sizes, 115. Stato securities quiet and nominal; Missouri sixes, lennessees, old, 60; Tenneasees, new, 60; Virginia, new, S2; Virginia, o'd, 301; North Caro lina, old, 10; onu Carolina, new.

iu. Railroad bonds firm with a moderate business. The most prominent- difTer-eaoes between the genuine and counterfeit coupon of the Central Pacific bonds, due July 1st, are the following: In the word "bond" in tne counteneit, trie -let ter Inclines more than the other let- smaller than the O. In the word j0i lars" in the counterfeit, the letter falls u. 3 lu iiij, nui aim luniviici 1 la u-fWSgKgiP other letters, while icUlui-sI-afe'rJ L) Is above that jjefleK-couiions, so far as we an ir teries and of various numbers between 9111 and 9a00.

No counterfeit bonds correapond-li to these coupons has yet been discovered, but jt is presumed the bondi from which thecounlerfeltcoupons were cut are in circulation eitherin this country or in Europe, stocks -vcre generally strong flirgugh the day. The advance ranged Ironi J2 ptr cent; and the closing quotations were the l.igliest made in most oases. The leading features were Lake Shore, Wahatb, Rook Island, Northwestern, -Sjt. Paul; common, New York Central and Weitern Union. Sales included 30,000 W-tern Union, 12,000 Pacific Mail, 11,008 New York Central, 13,000 Erie, 7000 Lake Shore, 22,000 Union lVteiilc, 11.C00 Northwestern, SOU) Rock l8laudTS000 St Paul, and 23.1100 Toledo add Wabash.

Canton, 56; Western Union. Telegraph, T4; Quiokrilver, 23; Adalns express conipan 107 Wells and Fargo's, expres. -oinpanyg, 79ji American express compray, C0J; United SUites express company, 70; Pacific Mail, 44fc; New York Ceutral, 100; Erie, 318; Erie preferred, 40; Harlem, 125; Harlem preferred, 125; Michigan Central, Pittsburg, 67 Northwestern, 42; Northwestern preferred, 60; Rock Island, 100; New Jersey Central, lufejjSt Paul, St. Paul preferred, 59; Wabash, 30; Wabash preferred. 86; ort.Wayne,-98i; Terre Haufc, 107; Ttori -iaute pieferred, 104; Chicago and Alton" preferred, 106; Ohio and Mississippi, 231; Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati 74); Burlington and Quincy, 107; Lake Shore, 70; Cleveland, Columbus and Indiana Central, 181: Illinois Union-Eacific.

27; Central Pacific boucLsSSJrUnion, Pifllfie bonds, 87: Hartford and Erie, Mi; Delaware and COTTON MAR1CKTS. BY TKLKORATO. LOUISVILLE, Juno 27. Cottohquiet at 10c. CINCINNATI, June 27.

Cotton, quiet at 17c. ST. LOUIS, JuHao-55Olttpri dull and nominal. NEW YOR1C, a.m Futures dull; 3-lGa August September, 17-7-1G 17Jc. 10:30 Cotton uethlrfg, doing, prices nominally unchanged.

12:40 p.m. Cotton unsettled; very little demand and irregular, offerings large; prices unchanged; sales to snin-nere, 213 bales; lastevehlng, S7 bales; no Bales specially to-day; last evening, 1G bales. m. Futures easy; July, 17 17c; August, 175-lRW172c; September, 17Jc; October, 17W17 1-lec: November, 17c; December, 15-lCc, Bales for future delivery, halea. Net Jte-.

ceipts, none; Ktoia receipts i32S.tiales. 2:50 p.m. Bombay receipts from 20th to 23th Inclusive, 7000 bales; exports to Great Britain same time, 25,000 bales; exports to the continent same time, 13,000 bales; stock afloat in Bombay harbor, 30,000 bales. 2:40 p.m. Cotton recelrits for one day at all United States portr1039 bales.

No exports to Great the continent Stock, 243,070 bales. NEW ORLEANS, June 27, 11 :30 a.m. Market quiet and unchanged; mid- ITln. cnl-, "JCfl In Liverpool by sail, 7-16d; receipts, 397 Dales, Market quiet and uuchanged; middling, 17 jc: sale, 00 bales; receipts, 397 bale-. p.m.

Cotton quiet; sales, 400 bales; prices easy; good firdln-Ty td BtrlctT good ordinary, UiTSc low mid dling to strict low middling, lorta) IClc; middling to strict 17tc; good middling, 1616So; receipU, 40 boles; exports to continent, 499 bs'es; exports coastwise, 3591 stock, 40,795 hales; untold last cventog, 31,000 bales. LIVERPOOL. Juno 27, 12:30 p.m. Cotton dull audunchanged; middling upland. 8Jd; Orleans, 88Jd; sales, 8000 bales; for export and speculation, 1000 bales; arrivals, l-KJJ lown July and August delivery from Bavarian or.

harleston, nothing below go-iUotdl-nary, 8 3-16d; Augup and Senfernber delivery, from Savaunah or Charleston, nothing, below', good ordinary, 8 5-16d. 2 p.m. Bales, 8000 bales; for export and speculation, luoo bales; American," 5200 bales; June delivery from Savaunah or Charleston, nothing below good ordinary, 8 3-10d; August and September delivery from Svaunau or Charles ton, "nothing below low middling, 8 5-1 Gd; ebipmeuts from Savannah or Charleston, nothlne below cood ordl- narjfiew cropl8.d. '505; young, ntid freshness. -4 1 fcalf- September.

summer, 10c. CHICAGO, Xunt. Flouc dull and drooping. Wheat dull, unsettled, and lower; No. 21 spring, $1 16 cash, or nell-Jer July.

Com lower and unsettled, 2, mixed, Oata in fair demand at Nc. 2, 45c, cash. Pork active and higher at $1S60, cashs j.Imd in fair demand and higher at $tl cash. Rulk" meats iu good demand at full prices; shoulders, bo; short rib middles, 9c; short clear, Pic, WMskj steady at 91Jc June 27. Flour dull nnd slrooplng.

Wheat duir and nominal sell. Corn steady; mixed, C-S (f 65c, Oata dull at 4S50c. Linseed ml. BSffifiAn. T.aril fiS(390r: 'Eires scarce atT415c.

Butter dull ono utictiangeq, cnfese.scarcsauuairin-at Pork quiet but lirrri at $18. Lard quiet; summer, 10ic; kettle Bulk meats'dull aud droo)ingt -at (Sjcj ulear rlhs, 0c; clear, 9i9ic; no Bacon steady; shoulders, rib, 9Jc; clear, 10c. Whisky active at 94e. N-fW YORK, 27. Flour dull aud unchanged and strongly in buy- -ers' favor.

Rye flour and cornmeal dull 1 aud uuchanged. Wheat lower; No. 2 Chicago spring, 39. Corn clos.d lower; western mixed, 7S81c. Oata dull and unchanged.

CoilVe firmer and advanced mo, J(-ic. Sugar a shade firmer. Molasses aud rice quiet and uuchanged. Pdrk firmer; new mess, $1S1S 12J. Beef in fair de-maud.

Cut meats quiet. Middles quiet; bellies, 9c; loug clear, 10; Ehort JOfc. Lardsifirmer; good, lllc Butter Steady: new State, f2023e. NEW ORLEANS. June 27, Flour snperiine 53? treble extra, 537; iiboice, S78i Corn S30S5CJ' yellow 87c Oals 5SS)59c.

Bran, 92c Hay none on the landing. "Pdrk, $13 COr-Md Jngher. Dry salt meats shoulders, Jc. Bacon. S10J, lllc JJams, i213o.) Lardi tierce, 12c; -keg, 12Jlc.

Bugar, fair to fully fair, WuT5Tc: strictly prime. Ojc; stock, C5 hogsheads. Molasses fair fermenting, 05c; Cuba, 4550c. Coffee none in first iiands; dealers Slock, 000, bags; demand fair; ordiuary, ib)iyjc; lair, good, aiiwajc; DrirWe-. 2213i23c: Whiskv Louisiana.

9Bc: Cincinnatii SI 02. Cornmeal $3 IlnUiI Doble'a fjondllloct. JTowrters. Tue most ExrERi-jtcin Hoesejien use it FOR HALS KVKItY WHERE. (Consolidation Mound CltV.Bt Lbulaain- mai ana Missouri -auiuoij.

9 Mi-tlison Street, ICootu Tio. hi a Irs. J. G. XONSDALE, Jlnagcr Hempliis Departntent, (West TennesEce.fprtb 3IIks.

and -forth Ala.) LOCAL BOARD, -lE-lPHIS, JA8. M. "WILLIAMSON, I'-IAliLES ACOR TIIOltrriCMr. OZANNK. Je2T -DISSOJLVXIOjSV rnilK firm of FOItSTEB, TtEHHOFKR 4 JL composed of DiC ForsUr.lV W.

Keal-nnfer'and Tbos. Dcy, l. dlsaolved by mutual consent, to lake cHect from June 10, 1S74, ForUrretiriu. The nnder-lenid navo this kar formed a eo- cnf Uio firm and it)lopf DAY, EEIMIOFEE And' will cent-nee the o( GROCER! C0TI0H FACTOBS A2SP OMMISSION MEEGHANTS, AT THE OLD BTANP, o.

Streetj Auumlntr all lbs llabllltlessf Fonter. lTp'sl' liofert Co- and are alone authorized to col-' i-ct their asset-. i TII03. DAY. Jun 10, 1S74.

TJ. W. KEAL1IOKER. Upon mr retlrersent front the (weaDove card). 1 would -take tlilsonnortii.

nlty to return t-yilocerO tUnnki to Its many f-te-tds and patrona lor their long and con-unuvd patronage rhlch they have extended, to lu and to ask a continuance of to my worthy Eoccessors. JBll) XI. li. OKSr-iR. oil.

Pmfessnr Klncs College, Lcndou, Is nuivjn Jleuiohls- to command the victim ot humanity. Am located atXo.4Mnlberryrtrret,corncr Mulberry and Reale ctreetx. AU chronio and nervonn dls- eured In a saort time, no matter what the disease Isorhow lon Mandlnz. Perma nent cures guaranteed. "Vvlil remain In Mem.

pms ior one year lo give ample proofs or cures, uum in, Etuiuejue mm i vio iz a.m., and for ladles Jroui 1 to p.m. Benarate roomfar tlm r-ppnilnn ,1 Poor patients pr-scrlbed for free of charcc UR. J. I. having spent part of two tasons Hot Jjnrlnes.

where lie CBVOlad himself l-l tllH Ktmlvf thA niMllrnl SrlrtueK of the waters and of snch cases as" are oenented, is now ready to advise persons couiemplatlng a Visit. OFPICK STO XUIS PTKEET. DISSOLUTION. 1HK Arm of Wrhoolneld, Ilanauer Co-" com-ssedof W. W.nhoolflH..

It anil .1. llananer. Ilenrv Mlllor. nnd Ilenrv Thom as, is day dissolved on cconottof. the duathof Mr.

Ji Hananer, on daypf --arues owing accounts or notes to the above named firm will -lease comerurw-rd nmmnU Jyand make payment, ns the business must uvctoseu. mo ur-ernjrneuwm conunne in hnstness as.Wholesi-B tirooera and Uotton actors, wlllioatcuangeornnnnameorKtyle. w. w.tuouia;-jii-u. J5 1 L.



TTE- Invite. the attention rif bnyers to our Large axii completk oh1 GROCERIES, of being able won er tue goou- lUM-run eaia sirw gores weycan oe purcnasea in nx western or rntbcrncltv. "We wlU alve esoeclal atteu- Uoa to tbe sale'ofOotoon, onr Mr. Louis llaii-anermatelD- tliat a Jclalty. Thanklnz 6ar many friends, for tbe very llber-1 patronage tiei-Owcd on the firm Jnst' dlanolved, we resn ctrully oolleltn continuance of their favors.

-hoping by close attention to bnslnesstornerlt tho -ame. Memphis, Jnne 1, loll. el JJKASOIf'OI'FICE 0E THE FEBEDMM'S SAV1N6S 'AND rityST COliPANY, If. 33, i Tnter-1 est tiaid on dijoslti- commenclup the first of each month," and com pounded, jn January 6ocle.uesand Individuals having money not In can find no -afar or better' placer to rhartered by Cc-eft In 1W3. Aniended JnnelS, 1S71, sua- not to allow any loans made on other sreuritles than UovernmenV llonds and Real Estate.

N. D. SMITH, Ca-hler mm mm 16 Jelleroi Streett BETWEEN MAJN fctlONT Mills LIFE OT SPRINGS! HntflLTORRANCJJ. itHOS. "WELLFOrtD.

Xaio inttb a. Jack Co. fence tsROrs to H-ch Torraneu Bon, Lottos factors General Mercliants, 10 Jeflcinon Sirccf, Opp. Commercial Hotel, Memphis, Tcan. JOHN MmT9 IltfOUTEU AW BEALKR 1H us Main -lomphis, Tean.

TIRE yi MABiSB INSURANCE GOHPAB or itiE-iipms. Office No. IS Madisoa St. OFncEHE. H.

L. HEAGilAM. Prealilen A. Tf. icKAY, Tie, I'resigeat TTS.

GAT, Secretary BOARS Or D1RECSOBJ. XL I- HEACII- Mor It. L. Mtaehtim Ol A. II.

flcKAY, -of Sledge, McKay Co S. Mnn-aeld Uigbee WjM. jOTjd-H-of Joyner, Leiamon A Gale wjr. n. Vaetor nan.

JOHN OVERTOS, Jr Memphis 3. M. PRTTIunEW, or Kdmouils, PetUye SlimVAH. Schw.te 4 11. V.

Hollow-U, Cnwiett Take-t Klro and Marine risk. IUM- UU IbUlMVUU uuuuirj DMJIU, -nllrlkxl. 1-30 irecuiirtauoii WE respectlnlly inrorm tbe Ladles ot Memphis and vicinity that we are now lu recelpl, ex. Steamship of J0j000 pes, A'ew Uamliars Direct from fit. anil, Swliierlnurt, Comprising New and lieautlful teslgns In SAISSOOIt F.DUIXG, STA1X5O0K 1ASEBTIOX, C.VilKRIC rOGIXG, IXSCETIOW, SWISS KCGIKO 4X1) SWISS IXSEUTIOIf "Whlcliwe will sell at LOWER l'RICEW than mey can.

ho purchased lor in any city In the Union. B. L017EXSTEIN 21-and 211 cor. Jeircrsou. Southern Uoopsltlrt and Corset Jlanu- factory, 3S3 Street.

II AN" trFACTTTR the New Invisible Jloulevard Skirt In six sizes, and three sizes ot me i-snionnnio i-oiuing-RasUe. iioS-irt orilustie genuine without the arm name on watsiband. Im mense assortment of French, urn -u suu jiome-maae Fads, Bracts and Dres3 Shields. LOUIS ilKMPHin, JuneZS, 1874.. rThd auuuarmteUng ottho ytoctliolrt- ere of tie PLANTiH-i IXSUltAN-B OOlf- JPA for the Klectloiot Directors, will be held Uielr otflco Mimhr, the aiu duxerjalr Next.

at 10 o'ulocjc a.m. The election to bo held be- tnrben fie hoars of 1 a.m. and p.m. St oroer of the Hoard of Directors. Je- W.

A. UOODIANSirttary. CISJiFMB.BE WHE-iTi Cor. and' Jnckon St- TYK. ALFRKt) who mates a JL spectaRy ol diseases or the KYK and, until TUrUitr make his Ofllco at Mn Itesldence, 323 Poplar CUaSION TICKETS.

VIEGINIl SPEISSS RETDBN, BUY OUR TICKETS VLV CHARLESTON B.R. (JUICK EST, SHORTEST BEST Only All Kalf Ronto Hrlllilf- Tlirongli TirllelH. Ko Trnusfer. rVoStenlilbonl. Bated G-arantcc'd a'a low Ss' hj any Other Itoulc- -For Tickets or information, np'rlyto HbX llDUNN, TlckotAgent, or illOSlV.

HrKv, Paskngpr Agents. Buy fyour Tickets at 27Silain'Sf. W. J. ROSS, General J.

C. I.orrz, Gen'l Ticket Asxcnt. COSpPOUTAK'OUSTOMifflBTS Made lo order from the best and warranted to Willi UODORS fa KAUlf) i y. i rjHl t. M-tti- 1 "Slait by cipress" OO to ncy part'of the country at the foUowtngratesr 8 Best quality New Yorhr mnirln and 00, 6 Second quality w-njmi is oo 6 Third quality IS 00 Also, Wedding and I'arty Shirts made to order.

DlrecUonsformeasnremeiit sect on applies. Uonto JOUSTOX fi VSCE, Clotlilnc aud Faral-ihlns: Gnode, mh8 sa MAIN STREET. ATMOSPHERIC UMl liEQUlKlKQ -0 CHKISEi-S. l'crlor lamps, Hall LaQptifJiian-eliers rbrC-urcliCs, TolletiTarc. PRESCOM tSl COn SALE TO PAY CHABOES.

IF pot called for rravlously, the followInK-named goods wlfl be so'd at auction to pay charges for stor ge, On Saturdar, 3 ilj 18, 187i. Geo. W. Rne, -oltivatcrs; 1 barrel "-r torn 1ITE. LAMSTAFF HARDWARE, Front St.


Ho. 8 UNION S'XIiEEX, aiempMs, Toan. yra hato nov on tub levks, 0.000 -O-rjrols Which we wlll.fSl C1IKAI' to pave Storacw J.SEMMES&CO., P. 097 MAIN STREET. Foreign and.

Matitre Wines, E5TI.I5IM ASB SCOTCH ALES HAYAM Fi-om Ihc "El Principe de LOOK-SMITH, Safe-Maker Macliiiust 119 JFFERSOS arc Ri ill Is, Tennessee MANUFACTURING, OPENING AND RE-nairlna of Safes. RANK AND JAIL WuRIC Locks rnadeandreoalredforRan Jalli and Houses. Bell-hanging for Hotels Steamboats and Dwellings. HOUSK-8M1TH im: iron csnnitera anu turnings, raou-Pretses and Llsht Machinery renalred SCALES KKI'AIUKD. KeyHttlng and Gen era! Iron Work.

CELEBRATED COTTON AUGURS. J.ONKEi.T,rres't. DP.HADix,Yica-rres't BLUFF CITY INSURANCE CO. (FIRE AND MARINE) Ko. 29S 51AIJI HTREUT, M-itPii-3, Tckn- Jnne AN election will ba held at this ot-ca i TUESDAY.

Julv 7.lb7l. from 10 o'clock ajn. to 2 o'clock p.m., for Thirteen Directors, UJ ior me enduing iweive monius. leu li. -1UUKK, eecreiary.


E. YACCAHO A. 3Es CO. Importers and PM'trs la AND CIGARS, No. 321 Front Street, Memphis.

bole: agents rit COOK'S IHPEHIAE. CHAJIPAONE. -Eixcursioii to St. -Louis FOR FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION! BY TIIE- Mi'inpriiH null fit. Xonta Anchor Line SteamcrM.

RORNU TRIP TICKETS for ft lnclndes all Information apply at the Elevator timia inn. Af. piviKji, pnpu J. L. DANIEL.

L. J. WARE J. L. DANIEL Successors to Wist, IUnie- Wksii.t COTTON AND firodaco Commission Jdercliants, STo.


M. ESTE8 ESTES ELLETT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, So. IS Mndigou Street, MEMPHIS TENNESSEE. ri lUE late law firm of Estes, Jackson A Ellett JL Is dissolved by the withdrawal and rein aval of Mr. Jackson from Memphis.

Tho oil business of Kstei Jackson and Estea Jackson" ft Ellett, Is in the hands of the re-malnUoz parties. April S3. 1871. ap30 LOUISVILLE NASHVILLE -AND GREAT SOUTHERN RAILROIU, Mall train leaves daUr 1-Spjn Express leaves dally .4 -H p.m No change of cars by this Una for Itfuis-ville, St. Louis or Nashville.

PaUman Palace Sieeplng-Cars on aU night trains. For tickets or Information apply at Ticket Office, Ko. 278 Main Street, CORNER MAniSOK. JOHN FLYNN. Supt Memphis DlV.

Jahcs speed, T.pket Agent. ALLAN LINE ItAIiTUIOIlE AXO lo, and from Enrope, nnil all roluts In the Soatberu nnd Western Si tales. rpHIB la by far the CHEAPEST and BEST .1 route to oil point-, In the Southern and Mfefctern States. Parties wlnhlng to send for tielr friend can obtain PREPAID CERTIFICATES AT LOWEST RATES: and nil further information on application to I1ELIILEY i Gen'l S-ntbneatern Agents. 39 Undi.oa, llE-OPEMGATKALEIS-L pHE ruidendgntil beg to Inform hU rrieads And the pnDllc generally, thai ht has Jae-Qliened tho Coleman Bouse, nltli COTTAOHj adjoining, sltnated on tto lo-owof the hills overlooklngtnaSprings.

AH ileatiy inrnioiea ancwiiorpo conne3UontwitMtm Fi onshlv Tenovated, uiuui uonse. ,1 21 M. MCEB KEOUIL ASLIST COMPANY STOCK tEOB, SALE.i UIWlr GO. A. yf, Rosaaifi.

E. JC. -LEAU-LAlk CIGARS, Gales" Factory at Ker 'West rirat Preialnrfl, Patent Self-Tentllallsr AMERICAN EBFRIGEEITGR! ASD BEER COOLER. OVER all others In tbe essential of SI 11-l'LICITY. EFFICIENCY, ECONOMY and DURAR1L1TY.

Prcservlne all kinds of perishable food LONGER, WITH LESS IClf. than any other now in use. In style and finish they are also unsurpassed, and they are, therefore, confindentty recommended as tne REST REFRIGERATOR FOR SALE E. WETTER CO. 13 and 15 Monroe 3IEKPHIS, TENXESSEE.

Southern Life Insurance Co. M-jipim, Ttsn Jure 6, 1S7L rilHE annual mcetlD-of the Stockholders ot thi company vlUbeh-ld at the ofllce of tho company on, Tuesday, July lih Between tho hours of and o'clock Jp. At this meeting uirectors are to be elected for the ensuing year. e7 BEN MAY, Secretary. 'piIE Law partnership 'ofMcRae, Myers JL Sneed-J this day dissolved bymutnal con sent.


TOOF, Prarlctor, No. 15 Court StmSj Memphis ORDESS FOR filled In, tho best manner, at reasonable prices, and the most perfect saUsfaotlon Merchants. RnslnessMen.Book-keep- ers, and others, are respectfully requested anaexamiue IPOPULAE. COIU-CTIOSS OP OEGAI HUSX6 for i'ipe oiigxx ORGAN OEMS Davenport.

60 BATISTEWOROAN VOhJNTARIES 2 SO TlFTY PIKOES 2 60 CLARKE'S SBCRyvoLUNTARIKS 1 OKQANIRrs 2 each i. HILE'8 BU01fi Jj1nNTAKIES.9No... each- so 2ErNER'9VOLUNVARIEScompiet4) S00 23) EASY aw) Ntw Church Mtusojj jiearty Ready. FOB ttE-VORGJ-SS. ORGAN AT HOI 32 69 (BI 1 io CLARliira bhootO-Htntaries--.

I jo CLARtE's REED'OROAN COMPAN- ioa ice FlneVHectIonlr3f Plecea'Sbngs accf Turlev a iso be found In Emerson's ew Method CiaxDo'x New Method, and In Root's Schcw'-i for Cabinet Organs. Now Church Mnsle Book In Angnstf Either of tho above hookK sent, post-pal forietau price, u.iv-umicu.i 9 -U KJ-WJ rlLAB.11. DITSON S. CO- PORTER. MAGAZINES Jf XL-OANTLT PRINTING HOUSE i ii oo Frmting Blank Book.

fiHKEUPT SAL) HEREBY glv- aiotlce 61 my appola'l j. ns -jBsajneor(aeeiA ooi rarn- del ift. have been adt, Hal. on fWfo-- of creditors, aud I will offer Private for Kinety Days Commencing The effects of the said esUtc.atNo.l- Adam-street, eonslt.tlng of Doors, Sash, Blinds, -lanlela, Jlonld-Ings, and all bind, of Manufuc- I tnred and Liaflnlshed Inmbfr. ALSO Boiler, to- gelh tr with the finesrand best as-ortment of or every -escnpuon usually osea Ids first-c'-ssplaning-i.

US. Tbe engine, boiler, m-shlnery and building will oe soia ogeuaer. For particulars apply ou premise-, or at ray ofllce, No. VI Madison MiM. fnf ARl2nff.

MEMPHIS CHARLESTON R.R. Change of Scliedulo. ON and after Sunday th Tib day ol Jnne 1.71, trains ootbe Memphis and t-uurles-ton Railroad will arrive and Ieavu Memphis aa foUows: Mall train arrives Mnil train leaves. 1:15 p.m. hm.

'1 a.m. Ei- res- train arrives Epresn train leaves 60 p-n. Somervillx accommodation arrives-. 8: a.m. Tomemlle sccommoAtlon leaves iHO i.m.

Grandlunct! accomUatlonarrivcg iu p.m. Grand Junction acon-'datl-nleaveK Sao aju. Mail and Esnresa tlalns rnnnlni? thronffh mate close connection Ior all point- North, it, rtormeasi, nontn ana sontneasi. meep-lng coaches on all trains running at night. Trains Nos.

land 7 will not -tup at flag ta-linni between Memphis and Grand Junction. Ihee trains make oloso councetion lor all point and South on Mlssl-sippi Central RaRroad. Ticket offlce.OT Main street and at depcU J. ROSS, General Superintendent. BAST TENNESSEE UNIVERSITY, TEAN.

rtlHIS well endowed and admirably eon-1 ducted noo-ectartan Sl-te Irntitution, has eighteen elficient Professors in iu Ka ul-ty, and possesse. unrivalled advantages as to healthtnlneMi of location, exeehenee ol dls-elpUne. thoroughness in the course of instruction and cheapness of expense. T-4 aggregate expenses.1ncludlng board, tuition, wa-hlng, fuel and lights, conlingentand room rent fees per set-ton ortrenty weeks, Is only from to JS8. about half the nsn-4 college rates.

An admirable opportunity thus afforded our younir men of the south to acquire a thorough: education at th lowest poulble rates. There are three courses of study, viz: Mechanical and Classical, and the staident Is allowed to elect which of the course he will persue. There Is connected with the University an excellent Preparatory which tbe pupils are thoroughly prepared lor their college courses. The number ot students admitted last year was 318. The next begins the MHh of September.

AIlstu-lentsKhonldbeln, If possible, at tbe opening or the term. A deduction of nearly the usual fate on the raUroads will be secured for all the students of the University. 3-Vr further information and catalogue, appV to the President, Ie21 KnoxvlUe, Tenn. J. TV YES, Pret'MJ W.MIXCns.Sec'x S.C'IIALAyON,Ah't Scc'y.


Capitol, .500,000 Cash. Surplus (about 200,000 JA-1ES II. F.OW, 2IASAGER, (Fornierly "VCood A low, N. OJ Atlanta, (leorgla. roo.


H. Allen Co Fourth a tlonal Rank, StewartAl Wynne A Co State National Bank, Oliver, Ftunle Bank of Commerce, Martin 2: HlU-man. IXSUBES AGAINST LOSH IIV FIRE Risks on Private Dwellings especially solicited. State or Insnrance Commissioner's Offlee. J-NashvlUe, Jane 16.

lsTt. I IWM. MORROW, Insurance Commlmloner dobereby certify that the NEW ORLEANS INSURANOS CO- located Louisiana, has ntoduced to me saliaraetory evi dence that said comoan. 1.. comDlieil wltli all the requirements of wIiimh of I be 3tai ot -teine-see impiwea urance-ompa- nies, aad I il-i lamesr- Warner, Agent or said Com piny, has aatbority to take risk, and transact the insa- rance for aut in be.ialt ot said Company In tbls state, at Memphis, Tennessee, uurlng the year end Ing-December U1U isizneui w.ja.v.

iORROW. Insurance Commissioner of Tennessee. DIALIOKD SP-SCTACl-i-S These spectacles aru manafactnred from 'MINUTE CRYSTAL PEBBLES" melted to gether, and are called DlAiiii.Ni) on account of their hardnes. and Having been tested with the polar-scope, the diamond lenses have been fonnd to admit fif teen per cent, less heated rays than any outer pebble.

They are ground with great scienUfic accuracy, axelree lrom chromatio alienations, and producoabrightneeaand distinctness ol vision not before attained In sptctaalt. Hon-nfactpred by the pener optical -sod-faetn insiitnipaiij.A.y. Forsalebyre- sponsi.le agents In every city in tbe Union. W. J.

MYItlr, Jeweler and Agent for Meinpbkt. from whom 'Jftay can only be obtained. No peddlers ec-ployeo. Do not bny a pair unless yon seo the tr-4 mark apll) Proclamation hy the Gorernor. JOHN C.

BROWN, Governor of Ihe State of Tennessee. ro ail wiio snait -ee uies. pras-ents Greeting: WHEREAS, It has been made known to me that a certain unknown nersoa. charged with having committed ftmi and atrocious murder, on the day of May, IS7J, Upon tbe body of Thomas Wlnehter L-ute, late oi our uuiy oi oiiei-y, iieu from instlce, and la now runnings! large: Now. therefore.

I John C. Brown. Governor as aforesaid, by virtue of the power ami authority in me vested, do hereby offer a reward of five hundred (500) dollars to any person or persons who may detect and apprehend tbe said unknown party and del'ver him to the sheriff or Jailer ot our county of Slielby, In order that Justice in that behalf may be had and executed. The above reward will bo paid only on final conviction. in testimony wnereoi, nave xierwu ki my hand ana causea tue ureal tseai oi laa State to be affiled, at Nashville, on the Sth day of Jnne, ISM.

JOHN CEROW Governor. By the Governor: CnABUta N.Giws.SerM-iyof Bt-le ElOARD at these Sprints for Jnne andSep- tember, Sto per month; July and August, 15 two months or more. SUIner month. Ser vants, and children under thirteen and over four years oiu, nan price, uni-uren nnuer four years old 112 per month. Board per week.

SU; per day, 13 60. fatties going to inese bpnngs wiu leave i-e Nashville anil Northwestern rallioad at Bon Aqua Station, thirty-nine miles west of Nashville. Tickets for be round trip S12. J. U.

laprade, Manager. W. Got Pattsson, Cashier. Je WHITE CLIEE SPEINGS. Tha nronrletor of "Mouse Creek Hotel." Mouse Creek, East Tennessee, has purchased tne notei property, at tots Mvortte snmmer resorr at.d is erected one of the largest add most! -ent hotels found at any water- lngp.

jesoutli. wmcn is now openjor the reel. of guests, and ass-res the pub- He that 'ns wRl be left undone Urmake this one ot i ue mod pieas-nt and diUghtful summer reeorts in the southern stales jor and invalid. Thesprlngsare situated on Chllhowee Mouatjln, Jlonroe county, Est Tennessee, sixteen mun irom Mouse Crek the nearest point from the East Tennessee, Virginia, and Oeorgla railroad. They are located at an'eievatlon of Rvo fAnt t'jirawtiT.

vallev. In a drv. tutre and very invigorating atmospher-' affording an extensive ana pt.uum, roundlng country, whose scenory Isunsur" nuspd. An cmlnnnt nbysician mover thirty years' p-nctlce will have an office in the hotel. jixcursion iic-ei- wm nrnin-Tit -nnthern roints to the.e sprtnes.

visMhuse Creek, at reduced rate-. The pio- Una nl a Srietor wui run -j loueCre and the Springs, making cen-nectlniis with trains. Fare. round trip. Kt Persons wth'' a Mop over at our "Mocse Creek hotel" w.

11 ample aocom-mod'ttions. OF BOARD-Per day, per week, 10 Wt per month, for Jone, per moat for JUiy, UU ccyemwi, dren uuuet in years of a. and servants, hair price Uuesta coming lu June and remaining thmnfrhocittbe season, to have June rates. Tor further particulars J. u.

i roprieuir, Mouse Cieekanc White tbff Hotels. Jnne.I-71.. -OS VALUABLE SEAL ESTATE, fnTJBLIC OOTICEIS HKREBT GIVEN. "rant kT virtue of aYettdition! exnooaato. Court or Teniie4e, In the cawot IT.

r.Ca.vanausti vs. and rendereil onlhe -3'b day or anuary, -X71," feMbe aa- of three atidred Ana mtyfoar.doUji.wB Miterest and costs of stilt, to fja said I wui, on t3 P-atl am-bl ixcr 39 H. TIjOCS see dkvi)-u t' ik) Ra. ioi-H distau oaeai-llW trip I to the Spring? all Ce Vila: pa. town- aoJ' reduced rate.

The, eiezant Pa Sleeping Can ran through to lITW wlthontchaneefrom NewOrlcana. a A. OULliuUN. veant dent partner at tbe Alleghany Spring. cbargeof the managrmnt and be tndc hlsoidpatroosacoidisiwcl.

me.and p.sdgc wilb the aid of experienced vme.and t.jdges We oro- to have none but exper.ene. we nave a targe i-rm oi ty tiro tnoasana acre, and an elegant ganlt to be property; and tan assure our "lsltos thai ratphes of every description wii. he the very best, including an abunuanceof frtsb. mtik, vegetables, etc Tlie proprietors tender to U-elr gae.ts of last -ba-on tl-anks for the generous patronage bestowal on tbei-e Sp logs. They bave lately conro Iaatd, In their oands, nearly tbe enure outlandDg stook of the Spring.

Company, and it Is their Intention te so lmptove this property a- to make it the leaimg watering place In the mountains of Vlrfctaia. Bi-uy natural attraction- can be so Improved and ornamented aa to render this comparatively an easy task. Many need Hi Imprtrvcmmt nave been eomrl--tl during the ln-rrprtnaRice-SAn. cotuprlsi-g a beauTi-lytng of the -f tbe La-ksoi the brook, a thorough syMemof draining, and to removal of former objeoflor-ible featnies of the lawnand eiwhere. Ine proprieiors take pie-sure In announcing to Iv-lr friends that Ihey Have secured for the eomln.

season the fine Rand from the Naval Academv at Annapolis, said to be one of the best in the coantry. TERMS-RJ per day, SS per week, fSOper month for tbe month of Jane or October, SI0. Children under ten and and over two years oM, and colored servants, half-price, white servants according to accommodations required. SPECIAL TKRMM oar desire to accommodate famUiea and thorn Meklng the raountalrx for a more permanent auy, leads ns to offer the following Special Terms, For auy three consecutive mouths, or more, jrw pec monm. rfay 1, 1S7J.

COLIIHUK A OW.i.V. 6EEHSHEDA SPRINGS, GItUNDY COUNTY, TENN. THIS weU known watering place wiU be opened lot tbe rocepUon of guests for tbe reason of lsJI. on the tlr-t day Jane, aud will be kept open nutll the first day of October. HATKH OF BOARD For the months of Jone and September SMI wr month; for the mcntbs of July and August.

SW per month; by tbe day, 2 00; by tha week, S1K. B-erliee betng located npon one- of tbp blghett points of tbe Cumberland Mountain, at an attliade of eighteen hundred feet abo the city of NwhvtWei regarded by physicians as absolutely free front all malaria eptdf mlcal -Iseases. The plaea was certain! nerar nioieneallby than uurlDg tbe summeV of P73, notwithstanding the large dally arrt-vata from Nashville and Memphis, where the cholera prevailed so alarmingly. VlHtorset-nboythrongii tickets either by way of ftey llty or McMlnnvllle. Clna conneetion and qtrick time made on both routes.

lee tor Ihe son on hand, Arraonsnanu will be mailt ior throagh tickets from Memphis and other southern dtlee, at the lowesrate-, Onr address wtif haNashvIHe rtntH first of Jnne, alter that time, Beersheba Springs. Dr.T J. HARDING, of Nashville, Heelden Physician. 8. M.

SCOTT it CO Prop'rs. UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA, Departuieiit, NEW ORLEANS. FACULTY: A. 11. CENAS, Emeritus Professor of ObMetries.

T.O. RICHARDSON, M.D, Professor of Snr-irerv. SAM UELM. BEMISS, MJ3- Prof-ssor of Med- lcine. 8TANKORD E.

CHATLLE, MJ), I'rofessor of Phvsiolocv. FRANK HAWTHORN MJJ lTofessor of Obstetries. JOSEPH JONES, MJD- Professor of Chem istry. SAMUEL LOGAN, Professor of Anatomy. ERNEST S.

LEWIS, Professor of Materia rlliu, EDMUND adUCHON, M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy; The forty-first annoal coarse of Instruction In this department will commence on Mon-dav, the 19th day of November, liet, and terminate on the third Saturday of March, 1IC3. Preliminary lectHres on Cltnleat Medicine and Surgery will be datlver-a the anipt-t heater ol tbe great Cbarlty Havpltal, begin-nlnir on the 2uth of October, without any charge to student. The Anatomical rooms will be opened at tha-asoe time. The members of the Kaeolty are Visiting l')iy-diaiisadhunH-on te the Charity hos-pttaJ, and gtve instru-ttcui daily at the bedside cf the sick. FEES.

As the practical advantag-s affbnlett for a thorongh aerualntance wllh all the bran, bee. of medieine are quite as great a. If not stlpe rlur to. those offered bv thdse-ools of New York and Philadelphia, the same fees are demanded. For all the Lectures, Si 10; Matriculation, IS; Practioaf Graduation, -10.

Pay- naentreq-tre- in advance. Fer circulars or eatalncnes, a-Hress, el. T.G. RICH AKtoU.N.MD Dean. liINE Ojj1 0CEASSTJSA-iSILlPS QNn of the above JUSTLY CELEBRATED ROYAL MAIL, 8TEAMNU1P- leaves ovcry Thur-day and Saturday for QDKESariOWN and LIVERPOOL.

Faro to or from Q-eaastown or Liverpool Cabin and 5 99, gold London- -ia- ad ho-o Parts and 1W5, gold Hamburg. Rotterdam, Ant- werpt and Havre. 90 and 109, gold For RUTND-T1UP Ti-KKTS, a REDUCTION of 930, gold. Steers, to (taeenatown, Uverpsni, London, (Jla-gow. Derry, Belfast, and Dublin, 125, o-rreney; return, f-T; Round taip, y).

For p-aga Wekets or farther intormation apply to JuHN G.DALE, Ascot, la Broadway, New York, or to THOMAS FISHER, Presdent Bmmet Rank of Mem hTmin. HOTICB. TEUSTEE'S BY virtue of and in accordance to the pro-vlslo- of a deed of trust executed to me a- trustee by C. 8. S5everran, on the 17th day of January, 1SMI, to socu re the payment of certain s.

in -aid deed ot trust mentioned and deeeiibed, p-nd the Interest thereon, payable to Maleom McNei 1, and said note- not having been paid at maturity or since, but two of said notes still remain doe and unpaid, and by the direction of Maleom MrNefii.the beneficiary In said deed of trust, 1 will, as trustee. On the 20th daj or Jnlj, 1S74, between the bears of 11 and 12 o'clock, In front or the Chancery Courtroom, in the'eity of Memphis, sell to the highest bidder, Ic cash, the following described tract or tracts land, slt-ateu paitly In Coat i txiitly in Coahoma coon) Mississippi, am nd nartlv In Bolivar count). Mississippi, to-wit: All of section seven, except one hundred and five acres ofi of the east portion of -aid section given lo Thos. Henry McNeill and deeded to Malcolm McNeill all of section eighteen, except thirty-five acres in the northeast cornerof the northeast quarter given to said T. H.

McNeill and deeded to said Malcolm McNellL Said reser-vattona or exceptions la that portion wet of the section line between sections seven and eight and sections seventeen and eighteen and east of the bayou that rans north and south through said sections seven and eighteen. Also, section nineteen also, ninety-five and one-half acres, a part of the southeast quarter and a small portion In the extreme southwest corner of the southeast quarter or section seven teen; section twenty the east half of section twenty-nine; thenorth half and east hair or theootne-st quarter of section twenty-eight: tne west half of the northwest quarter ot season twenty-seven; the. woct ti.rril ih. i. 1 tlon twenty-two all of said land being, township tweniy-ix anu.

raugo six west. Also, lota numbered one, six. seven, ten and eleven, in township twenty-six, of range seven west, tne above described lands being on the Mississippi river and known a the "Lake Charles Plantation," situated partly In Coaboma ana partly in Rollvar eonnty, Mississippi. Said deed of trust Is duly recorded In the Res liter, ofllco In Coahoma and Rollvar counties, and of Mississippi. The title ta the hbove de-'crtbed real estate la be lieved terbe undoubtedly good, but I will sell Irand convey only as trustee.

P.Jel-- J. P.i-ARBTIIERg. Trustee. SHERIFF'S SALE -OF- Taloable -Seal -Estate. PURLIC NOTICE IS HRBEBY GIVEN, Tiiat bv virtue of a venditioni exponas to me directed from the Hon.

First Circuit Conrt of xhelby county. In the ease of x. li. capie vs. wiinam nerun, juggmeni rendered on the 1-th dayof September.

IS73, for the sum of fifty-nine dollars and forty 'wnts, wllh In terest a ad costs of salt, to satisfy i-aldj udgment, et. I will, on Satar-ay, the 11th Day or laly, r. v. Jl UU 1 4A AJ 4I.C,. -51 Second street, Memphis, proceed to sell, io tne nignest iouow Ins described property, to-wlt: line lot or parcel or land, bounded and described as follows: Cornint nclng In the center of the Pig.

eon Roost. fUUtroul; th.nce sonthwest with the center of 'gardec -post and plank fence, which hr Known as tbe old Plgeun Roost dirt road; thAcce long the center of said road to whst Is known as ci mer oi Wm. Btirlu'3 K-acre lot; thence east to the swuthweit corner of said lot In the center of the Plg-ln Roost Inn-road; thence along the enter nt saiar-autoue oegianing, -on tain log three O) acrj or. less; ttbeingsit. tea in too vi.

i of Caplevllie. Sheiov county, in me -xweiita tvw uiv trtct of said county. Levied oil as thh property or defendant, WiUiamBcrlln, to satisfy i 1 r-j. muib al comsienee prom.tlj at llo'ciocknaa. Slemnhbi.

12th di-, Ol June. 1M1. J. P. ItOYIJJ- a 3 fromiS ipiuw TalaaMe Propf rj 9 stad 0s MONDAY.

JTSI 3. lfM iZ ocioc- a.m 1 1 hum and Main street-. the highest bidder, I jt property: A.oto ooc. ii s. front on west 'tnenf M.o ---r ing w-stWHrd long uoi will.

Exchange srre, a' TbDt ltH teetta i ti al e. at. a- ein UU. same UOMrtr Kn- -l icy he ed -r-r date me. stee, t.

M. JNrlften, A of K. -'ec'L 11th May. lrat ami eoa by deed flora rimnua -cu cer- lain lndeotedneM therein I Be sale i ot the lath etc being made to carry on in said deed In trn-LwhMfaia reeunii. Regttter office orPbertry county day ot May.

1S72, to bone pa--RlKht of redemptto- raivel, Ileved to be I sell and as trustee. mySi JOmt P.TXH-rVAST. VALUABLE REAL ISTAB, nUHLIr? SOTKg IS M'" JL That by vtrtae of an exec-L P-l to ,11. reeled from th Han. llrpn -f 8helby couaty, Teun- In tbe csu- -s Greenlear and Taylor Jtanui ing ao-panv vx.

Ge-irge Paitlson. at u-i-J on theMh dayof March, 1ST4, tr th i .1 at six hundred andsevealeen duUnrs nd 7-fo-roents, wllh Interest and ccs to satufy -aid Judgment, etc-1 wu. -a Jlondsy, tie 20tli day Jalj. 1.7-1 at 11 o'clock, a.ra tm front or in 351 HecotHl street. Mratphis.

'K-aell to the highest btdder. lag deaeMDed i-na-aty to-wlt: OR), block any ity ol beginning on the nerth ide of vnu No. to I' w- -eet. at the asauiweK corner or K. a.

lot, and running thence north turn hut ninety-eight, feet to tha-txr-tti line i.i cx-tenston of Brojvn win line threeTnandred :j.t niue'j-tl', to tbe west llneot said lot jath wlthiald line one and ior' uhE feet, thenea east thiriv-t. lutcv oeehundred and fifty ii ie of Vanca street, Uu-aae eatu. v. nh sid bree hnadred and sixty feet the ing. lev led ou as the property ol orga Paulson, to wlhfy said Judgmct.t, -ii-it.

and costs. to oomm-nati promptly at elaTCH o'clock an. W. J. F.

IKiVLE. SheriK" of Shelby countv. I'e-n. Ueo.ailham, At-Mney for plaintiff. tem.nn,-tR nay i.i.

ESECOTOB'S XOTICE. ALL persons having clalaM again tateol 1. G. Kenny, decern. wi, sr.

notified to present the same to Ui-j signed, proven aceor-lns to law. JU11N a-OBtee. Sto Mult ti; MemchH. Jnne reby Ot. EM SherlirN Sale of Valuable Kent PUBLIC NOT1CK In HSUtl- GUEN," That fay Tlrtne of an to toe directed from the Hon.

Firt 1 p. 1. roar, of Bheiey cennty, 1 Harden rtagland vs. Sarah W. tt'lx M.Jones, judgment read-red on m- 1 day of March, Ia71, lor thaan snof seve-'-aj: aur- ureu b- iMf- itvu a.

in, ant. cent-, with laterest and co-u lsfy said odginent, I will, ou Tharsdar, tbe 16th daj or Jnlj. at 11 o'clock a.m.. la front olmju: 351 Second sell, to the highest Bidder, ca-n i Me daw- ing uesert-e- propejiy, wr- it: Lob) Nob. 0.

11 IS. Of 5lh W. JOB-r SJtHi vis 1-, i 1 mi being a part ot a invt n- r. JmM C. J-aea, lying 'ii -and 2, In co utj at -outhea-t corut i r--.

5uT. ere tract, wit cii j. veyed hy John B. Hi-km i i man to Sam L. Kim i Jnly 22, IKa; thence e- -m link- a stake on tt.e 1 IOUuracre sabdivision tae'i iior -and It links a Un-Unkt norlh ot asw 4unj i.t.rlLrd sonut 6XJ eaw xl tne center of sid ronu.

ui 2-ehJiiB. be e-MSe-a-os a and. 31 llozji a Mte. a- ten." and 99 link-to the by toe original -eea 4.. Levied on as the property or Sara a W.

loom to sathu aldj-'l. terest and easts. bale to eo-sBtea ee promptly o'clock ajn. Ii' "i lant in- vea. HertST ftf MeaaphK rrtb'day or r- w.

ji--rn, Aire-ys mr i rr. 1 oue -Ot-i Flowers, riautsi, Wagr ns I'ariuiiis Vtemll. PURLIC NOTICE 13 F.V, That by vtrtae of an order o. io luo uireeted rrotn the Hon. First I'h-ncety onr; or blMilby oonnty.

le-ate-s-e, irr- ti r.tof JamM A. Brewer vs. WaoVly Thominu al for the p-rpases ts-reln contalnerl, w. a on, Trs-3T, 2d 7f July, lt7i 5i Seeoad street. Mess puis, teaae-see ced.

to sell, to tlie highest bidder, (o. ttiu following deserlbod prpertj All the rlkh', title a Thompson In and om Thompson AGoebels, to-, 1t tie spring w.gon, two 2-horv eta, vetcet-Mce, fit -to the Wbeatoa plaee, an as tha Greenwood tooth uf Levied ou as tbe pro. rty ol Wa-dy Thompson. Sale to com-ne nronptly oTiO-K ajn. W.J.

i a lS, aiMfiir of Sheloy on' lean. MempiiK-0H day of Jane, K. 1 aammon, Attoraey tor plain Jisfaf CHAWCF.RY SALE OF REAL -ESTATE 0b Jalj 1. 18 Ji. No.

545. R. D. In the Second. Chane-Ty or sueioy oouniy, -ennes-we.

uary vy Winner etal, vs. t'narlea Wintte- 1 virtue of a decree of sale cause by the feec-nd Cft-uer--. uie-std Jtay, minuie ro. I will seU, at public auction to bidder, In front of the d- of Chancery Courtroom, -jecoad t. Memphis, Tennessee, Oa Wednesday, Jk-j- 117 1, wlthln legal honrs, Ihe fol'C real estate set tortu in tue I-01edela, situate.

If ing ana eountvJrtihelb.andbta-actf 1 Becf -rves" is as to-wlt: SKeglnnlng at a stake oa, ihseT street: then. tli, 2 unka to a stake; thence soutu ai-i Chain. mgaken: 3 hnks to a staMaJ-hi ,7 glnnlns. cminimnr couth of the Dowertrae-T a.i a tract stUtfec: to dowet therein desoribed'as foil -V TtJ V. fl(3W- foil iaaein tne east love sweet 4 chains nortou -corner of the is trj-ieuo acre? running antl 42 Rnk to a stafe; thencV chains to a stake near thVSIni-of a young orchard; therceWs' -and links to a Rtak? to ml IWedlove street; toence the place ot belnnln? i -r ti n-est a BaJi r-r chain Terms of Sale On.

-red! of afx welvB proved security BSn rtalnL Thla May 29, W7t ByGeo. Mailer. nl M. tm Trustee's" Sule, -XTOT1CE 13 HERi -c narsdar, OtKa betwwa therhonBi oiCll nd it 9, on th -ooft-lsid -t oihe city Xlenjpht, aid; vtr J- deed trust. mj xt -d -vb i .1 A-ri a a a patpe ot.av-'iy.og a aaf.u eniett lou wtjertpc a -o-Ji 'o t(? 1.J Ooar I'jfMnrv, i nrtoa 'tnd .1 thest 'Mn iln aft "i arssTr -ttnis-rxeyo-iHsJ" v1 ir 1 irl ci a-JsWj nee 1 v-t; east -Ins i arn- I i Hit Torlc at 2fon-Haidenti jraticc.

a-V I Inhft First Bta K8da.vlt "ia-tiiir St.

Memphis Daily Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)


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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.